Use "goiter|goiters" in a sentence

1. Goiters is it?


3. Goiter?

4. Colloid nodular goiters are also known as endemic goiters and are usually caused by inadequate iodine in diet

5. Incidence of goiter

6. Did you say goiter?

7. Nobody touches Mr. Goiter!

8. # It's not my goiter #

9. Goiter is endemic in Niassa and Tete provinces with levels of total goiter above 50%.

10. Looks like a goiter.

11. Two words- - zombie, goiter.

12. Good luck faking the goiter.

13. Objective To determine the recurrent reasons about tubercular goiters after operation.

14. I was talking to the goiter.

15. Did you have that goiter before?

16. Like warts and goiters, and I'm having them removed.

17. ♪ Good-bye, Mr. Goiter

18. It' s my goiter, isn' t it?

19. • Iodides : can cause goiter in the newborn

20. We continue to see a large number of patients with neglected goiters that cause Airway compression

21. I want to go visit Mr. Goiter.

22. I'm still wearing the goiter, aren't I?

23. In contrast, in hyperthyroid goiters almost all enzyme activities were found significantly increased.

24. Come on, Elaine, it' s just a goiter

25. Is nodular goiter the pathological change of the precancerosis?

26. Partial thyroidectomy for toxic goiter was practiced widely.

27. That was a fundraiser for Myrna Sander's goiter operation.

28. She was very dirty hill-coolie woman with goiter.

29. TRH level tests, as well as a prophylaxis of recurrent goiters are important.

30. Iodine-sufficient goiters are associated with autoimmune thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid carcinoma.

31. Tuberculosis, leprosy, goiter, malaria, and diarrhoea have been sufficiently reduced.

32. It makes you look like a giraffe with a goiter.

33. Infiltrative extracapsular extension of a malignant goiter can be detected.

34. 96 of the report on goiters and Cretins by Dr Jules Baillarger (1873), public domain

35. Unfortunately, most of these goiters occur in areas with highly restricted medical and surgical facilities.

36. The goiter and the undercooked ham look very similar.

37. The electron microscopic appearance of cells from diffuse goiters and cold nodules (follicular adenoma) are described.

38. The main reason for exclusion was a concomitant nodular goiter.

39. And Not A Human Goiter On The Neck Of Life!

40. Results: Among them 4 cases was adenoma, 16 cases goiter.

41. A total of 2204 nonmalignant goiters surgically removed during the years 1958, 1959, 1960 and 1966 were reexamined.

42. Recurrence rates of iodine-sufficient goiter are 10–19% following thyroidectomy.

43. Tuberculosis, leprosy, goiter, malaria, and diarrhoea have been sufficiently reduced

44. Why would a little goiter like that bother me?No

45. * But despite my extra toes. * * And my goiter and my nose. *

46. * An enlarged thyroid, or goiter, may be an indication of disease.

47. Methods: To study the 36 cases of recurrent tubercular goiters after operation latest 10 years.

48. Surgery for recurrent goiters is rare now (6.2%) while it was considered a problem in previous years (16%).

49. In transplants from 3 goiter specimens, however, significantly higher LI were found.

50. Awake fibreoptic intubation was attempted because of a large goiter and orthopnea.

51. To prevent recurrence of a multinodular goiter, supplementation with iodine is strongly recommended.

52. 2404 thyroid glands from an endemic goiter region were examined for psammoma bodies.

53. I mean, I keep thinking that goiter' s gonna start talking to me

54. Two of them had a pre-existent large goiter with calcareous cysts.

55. Uncontrolled hyperthyroid patients with large goiters secondary to Graves’ disease may develop edema of the upper airway.

56. A lack of iodine also causes goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland.

57. Following HT, the fraction of labeled cells in nontoxic multinodular goiter tissue was 4.8%.

58. A dietary deficiency of this element may lead to an enlarged thyroid, or goiter.

59. The diagnostic procedure in intrathoracic goiter is the same as in other mediastinal tumors.

60. A total of 75–85% of thyroid operations are performed on euthyroid goiters; 70% of them are bilateral.

61. Inadequate funds hindered the department from providing iodized oil to girl children with goiter.

62. This is like the man in the supermarket with the goiter on his neck.

63. Objective To summarize the experience of the surgical treatment of toxic multinodular goiter ( TMNG ).

64. The main point lies in the increasing incidence of cancer in goiter and thyroid nodules.

65. In all patients, the posterior mediastinal goiter arose from the thyroid gland in the neck.

66. We speculate that TC was triggered by compromise of tracheal flow induced by the goiter.

67. Eight years previously she had undergone a hemithyroidectomy for nodular goiter with one cold nodule.

68. You may get painful goiter-like swelling in your neck and often extreme testicular discomfort.

69. Background: Multinodular goiter is the highest indication for thyroid surgery in an endemic region.

70. Inadequate funds hindered the department from providing iodized oil to girl children with goiter

71. This has led to many cases of rickets, scurvy, blindness, goiter and the like.

72. Iodine deficiency disorders will lead to goiter hypothyroidism , mental retardation, cretinism, and so on.

73. • Goiter is much less common in this age group Special considerations in the pregnant client:

74. Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid associated with goiter and hypothyroidism.

75. We studied the incidence, clinical features, and pathological findings of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' goiter.

76. In contrast, autonomous follicles with an intrinsic functional abnormality are the hallmark of multinodular toxic goiter.

77. Although generally benign, goiters should always receive medical attention, for they might indicate a more serious condition, such as cancer.

78. The latter is indicated in patients over 40 years of age with a small goiter.

79. A preceding history of goiter (mean 15.3 years) was present in patients with AFTT and hyperthyroidism.

80. The researchers compared the 3 techniques in a group of 30 consecutive patients with nodular goiter.